Garrison Place
Garrison Place is a place to call home. It is open to individuals 18+ who are referred through Coordinated Access with End Homelessness St. John’s.
Contact Val Flynn, Manager of Adult Residential Programs
Tel: (709) 722-1849
Fax: (709) 722-2414
7 Garrison Hill
St. John’s, NL
A1C 3Y7
General Program Description
Opened in 2017, Garrison Place is a 10-unit permanent supported housing complex providing safe, stable, and affordable housing to 10 individuals with a history of homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless in our community, from a Housing First perspective.
Here, adults who have barriers to community living, including those with addictions, mental illness and involvement wit the criminal justice system, have an opportunity to overcome challenges and achieve personal life goals in a respectful and supportive environment. In collaboration with the Housing Support Worker, services offered can include, but are not limited to, assistance with developing life skills, rehabilitative goals (educational.vocational), money management, social skills and activities conductive to pro-social living, informal counselling and connect with other community supports.
Staff Resources
The staff compliment is:
- Manager of Adult Residential Services
- Housing Support Worker
- Administrative Assistant