John Howard Society Services available in Newfoundland & Labrador
The John Howard Society of Newfoundland and Labrador is a community-based organization composed of, and governed by, individuals whose goal is to understand and respond to crime and its consequences. We are a voluntary, non-profit agency that provides counselling, residential, employment and related services to adult and youth justice involved individuals. It is a registered charity that serves to encourage the development and maintenance of a just, humane and effective response to the causes and consequences of crime.

Residential Facilities
Howard House
Howard House is a 16 bed community residential center in St. John’s, Newfoundland, for adult men or individuals identifying as male on day parole, full…
West Bridge House
West Bridge House is a 14 bed gender diverse community residential center for adults on day parole, full parole, statutory release, a temporary release, or…
Home For Youth
The Home for Youth (HFY) is a four-bed gender diverse Open Custody home that provided 24-hour care to youth age 12 to 17 who are…
Loretta Bartlett Home For Youth
The Loretta Bartlett Home for Youth is a gender diverse six bed facility for youth sentenced to a period of Open Custody or an Order to Reside.
Garrison Place
Garrison Place is a place to call home. It is open to individuals 18+ who are referred through Coordinated Access with End Homelessness St. John’s.
Intervention Programs
Learning Resources Program (LRP) – St. John’s & Grand Falls
Located in St. John’s and was implemented in 1994 with the goal to reduce recidivism rates through the delivery of various psychoeducational interventions.
Community Based Intervention Program (CBIP) – Stephenville
In 1996, the program was developed to provide similar services that were being offered in the St. John’s area. Interventions are offered in Stephenville and the surrounding Bay St. George area.
New Day Program – Her Majesty’s Penitentiary (HMP)
New Day is a referral-based program at Her Majesty’s Penitentiary (HMP).
The Integrated Correctional Program Model Community Maintenance Program (ICMP-CMP)
The Integrated Correctional Program Model Community Maintenance Program (ICMP-CMP) is a continuous intake program (up to 12 weekly sessions) for federal offenders. The program refreshes…
Employment Programs
Next Steps – Employment Services
Next Steps Employment Service team will work directly with participants to assist them with achieving success on their employment journey. Staff can provide help to…
Horizons Program – Stephenville/Bay St. George Area
The goal of the Horizons program is to provide valuable assistance towards the rehabilitation of persons involved with the criminal justice system and contribute to…
Record Suspensions
The John Howard Society will assist individuals in applying for a Record Suspension (formerly pardon) through the Parole Board of Canada.
In Motion & Momentum +
In Motion & Momentum+ (IM&M+) is an innovative action-oriented program that supports individuals at a pre-pre-employability stage of their careers.
Net-Work Program
This program is offered virtually to residents of Newfoundland and Labrador who are currently income support recipients but eager to re-join the labour force in the near future.
Reconnect Program
Reconnect is a new employment program offered by the John Howard Society of NL. Reconnect is a 26 week employment program that consists of two…
Prison In-Reach Programs
Inmate Intervention Services
Intervention programs available at Her Majesty’s Penitentiary and West Coast Correctional Centre.
Annual Family Prison Visit
Selected families from various locations in Newfoundland and Labrador will visit inmates in Atlantic, Springhill, Dorchester Medium, Dorchester Minimum and the Nova Center for Women.
121 Prison Visitation Program
Any prisoners at Her Majesty’s Penitentiary (HMP), especially those who do not have regular visits from family and friends, are eligible to participate.
Prison Library Program
The library at Her Majesty’s Penitentiary is staffed and operated by John Howard Society volunteers. Inmates have regular access to library resources and their feedback…
Community Programs
Public Education and Advocacy
The John Howard Society of Newfoundland is engaged in public education and advocacy and is available to present to post secondary institutions and other community based agencies and organizations.
Annual Children’s Christmas Party
Each year, the John Howard Society of Newfoundland holds a Christmas Party for approximately 50 socially disadvantaged children, who have parents that are incarcerated or have been recently released.
Institutional Support Line
The John Howard Society of Newfoundland and Labrador has a support line available to inmates, their families, correctional staff and community members to ask questions about the criminal justice system, community supports and resources.