Loretta Bartlett Home For Youth
Referrals to the Loretta Bartlett Home for Youth are received from the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development. The youth are sentenced to a period of Open Custody by the Youth Court and/or the Zone Manager of the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development can have a young person placed on an Order To Reside Designation.
Contact Cory Brake, Acting Coordinator
Tel: (709) 785-7652
Fax: (709) 785-2927
278 Curling Street
Corner Brook, NL
A2H 3J7
General Program Description
The Loretta Bartlett Home for Youth is a gender diverse six bed facility for youth sentenced to a period of Open Custody or an Order to Reside. Youth are provided a supportive, non-institutional environment and are encouraged to access educational programs, psychological, medical and other professional services that are available within the community. Staff at our facility provides guidance and support in helping our young people become independent and responsible individuals. It is our goal that youth under our care will acquire the skills to enable them to become productive members within the community and be successful in future endeavors. This is accomplished in part through education, employment, volunteer work, job skills programs and life and social skills training.
Community Resources
The Loretta Bartlett Home for Youth works closely with many community partners that have an ongoing commitment to youth, restorative justice, education and employment. These partners include the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development, Department of Justice, City of Corner Brook, YMCA, Community Youth Network, Western School District, the Community Mental Health Initiative and the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary.
Staff Resources
The staff compliment is:
- Coordinator
- 7 Group Home Counsellors
- Relief Counsellors
- Liaison Social Worker sponsored by the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development.